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Boost Your Self-Worth and Feel Good Enough


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Boost Your Self-Worth and Feel Good Enough


In a world where we’re constantly exposed to everyone else’s successes (physical, professional, and sentimental) on social media, it’s easy to feel like we’re falling short on something like we’re not good enough.
To get over this feeling, we go to the gym more, and we work harder, and as a result, we get more fit and maybe even get promoted – but that nagging feeling remains.
So why do so many of us feel like we’re not good enough?

And how do we deal with this familiar feeling? The feeling of not being ‘good enough’ may have started in childhood with a demanding parent or teacher: ‘Look how polite your friend Sam is, why can’t you be more like him?’ ‘70% on your test? What did your classmates get?’

It likely got worse as we grew up, with social media exposing us day after day to everyone’s amazing but filtered life and everyone around us seemingly being incredibly successful, cool, and having their lives figured out.

Regardless of which external trigger caused the feeling the first time, our internal dialogue has kept it alive ever since. Sometimes, we get good feedback or recognition for something we’ve done, and the feeling subsides temporarily – only to come back in full force once something else happens, which seems to be the ultimate proof: you’re not good enough. The problem with relying on external validation to make the feeling go away is that we are entirely at its mercy. We never know how long the negative thoughts will last because we don’t know when someone will pay us a compliment. And so the vicious cycle continues.

The best way to effectively deal with the feeling of not being ‘good enough’ is to recognize that it comes from within and to train our minds to stop engaging in negative thoughts.


In Hypnotherapy, we go to the root cause of this ‘not-enoughness,’ and we shift the feeling and belief.


This powerful transformational process helps you to make space for new positive suggestions for being enough!

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5 Courses

My name is Laimei and I empower my clients to become more confident and healthier people.

